List of courses
CINCH-II courses
Hands on Training in Nuclear Chemistry II
This dedicated training course aims at delivering the basics of nuclear and radiochemistry to trainees with chemical background at Master level (chemistry masters or engineers, and/or fresh PhD students), who need to extend their skills and knowledge to the field of nuclear and radiochemistry. It is the 2nd run of the successful HOT in NRC from CINCH-I.
CINCH-I courses
Hands-on Training in Nuclear Chemistry
This joint dedicated training course aims at delivering the basics of nuclear and radiochemistry to trainees with chemical background at Master level (chemistry masters or engineers, and/or fresh PhD students), who need to extend their skills and knowledge to the field of nuclear and radiochemistry.
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle
This joint dedicated training course aims at providing the students with a global overview of the chemistry and the physics necessary at the various stages of the fuel cycle, from the front-end to the back-end. In addition they should acquire basic knowledge in decommisioning of nuclear facilities and in radiological protection.
Radioecology course
The course module in Radioecology is intended to provide insight into the relevance of applied radiochemistry, linking nuclear/radiological sources to ecosystem transport, biological effects and risk evaluation. The course modules were given as intensive courses over 2 weeks each containing lectures, laboratory exercises, laboratory demonstrations and a case study.