Aims and Objectives
In agreement with the objectives of long-term Euratom Fission Training Scheme (EFTS) and the Bologna system, the project aims at coordinating the education in nuclear chemistry, both at Ph.D. and undergraduate levels, within the EU, in collaboration with Russia. A separate part of the project is aiming at preparation of the grounds for a significant improvement of the university – industries collaboration in the training programs.
The expected results of the project with the broadest impact to students, teachers, industries, and research community are
- a set of compact joint modular courses in different branches of modern nuclear chemistry,
- an e-learning platform available for both education and training (both conceived as applicable at the Ph.D., life-long learning, and MSc. Levels), and
- a long term sustainable strategy for nuclear chemistry education including a roadmap for its implementation.
A long-term Euratom Fission Training Scheme reaching well beyond the end of the project should be formed.
During the lifetime of the project, three of the courses developed will be brought up to demonstration level:
General purpose courses:
- Chemistry of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Radioecology
Dedicated training courses
- Hands-on Training in Nuclear Chemistry (combined e-learning / laboratory course)
The system developed, together with the on-going programmes at the home universities, will consist of a mix of collective and individual courses and internships addressing all the levels from senior researchers and managers, through Ph.D. students down to undergraduate students.
The main target groups of this educational and training activity are not only the doctoral students and research workers but also the students at the master level. Including these students into the system should increase attractiveness of the studies of nuclear chemistry and thus enlarge the source of highly qualified professionals for the future employers.