University of Leeds
United Kingdom
Shortname: UNIVLEEDS
Description of the organization
Higher education institution (HEI)
The University of Leeds is among the top 10 universities for research in the UK, and attracts more industrial funding than any other in the UK. An emphasis on innovative research and investment in high-quality facilities means that 35 schools are rated internationally or nationally “excellent”. The School of Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering is one of the largest integrated multidisciplinary engineering schools in Europe and was rated 3rd in the UK, after Oxford and Cambridge, in the 2008 RAE. It combines materials, process and energy engineering, undertaking teaching, research, and KT within the energy, transport, health, personal care and speciality materials sectors. The School has a range of facilities of relevance to this proposal. As well as a number of workstations it houses a Beowulf cluster, with access to central HPC facilities which form part of the White Rose Grid, one of the UK's e-Science centres. The School also houses laboratories for particle manufacturing and characterization, colloid and particulate systems engineering, powder processing, batch processing and process tomography. It has access to the Sorby Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, a cross-faculty facility which supports research into fluid dynamics and sedimentary processes, and which is one of the leading fluid dynamics laboratories inEurope. Amongst other things, it houses a flow loop and facilities for the study of jet impingement, with the laboratory providing an array of relevant flow measurement techniques.
Main tasks attributed / previous experience related to those tasks
Provision experimental data and mathematical models required for the evaluation of different options for the nuclear reprocessing cycle, and specifically for reprocessing involving the storage, transport and processing of solid-liquid mixtures.
Short profiles of the key staff members
Prof Bruce Hanson: a Chartered Chemical Engineer and a member of the Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs, since November 1991. He has been a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, since January 2003 and qualified as an Association of Project Managers Professional in November 2004. He is the National Nuclear Laboratory’s Head of Technical Assurance and reports to the Chief Science and Technology Officer. The role incorporates Technical Authority for Spent Fuel and Nuclear Materials, Head of University Links and Design Authority for the Central Laboratory.
Prof Simon R. Biggs is the NNL/Royal Academy of Engineering Professor of Particle Science & Engineering. His significant reputation as a colloid and surface engineer with an interest in the measurement and characterisation of fine particle aqueous dispersions led to the award of the Beilby Medal by the RSC/SI/IMMM in 2005. Since joining the University in 2002 he has received over £7M research funding from EPSRC, DTI, RAEng, BNFL, BNG, Nexia Solutions, NDA, Syngenta, P&G, Unilever and Nexpress. He is PI of the DIAMOND consortium, and was a lead researcher on the EPSRC KNOO consortium. He has authored more than 210 refereed papers which have received more than 3000 citations (H-index of 31). He holds 8 patents and is director of three spin-out companies.