University of Hannover
(Institut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz)
Shortname: IRS
Description of the organization
The Institute for Radiation Protection and Radioecology (IRS) is part of the faculty of mathematics and physics of the Leibniz University of Hanover and provides lecture courses, seminars and lab courses on radiochemistry and radioecology. These are part of the programs in physics bachelor
of science, physics master of science, analytical chemistry master of science and several programs of master of education. IRS supervises bachelor, master or PhD thesis. IRS has expertise in the areas detection and dispersion of radionuclides in the environment, dose assessment due to exposure to anthropogenic and natural radionuclides, radiation protection,
and in the training of radiation protection officers (currently more than 1000 Participants per year). Furthermore, the IRS deals with the public risk perception of radioactive contamination due
to technically enhanced radioactive matter and within a research platform focusing on technical and sociological aspects of the disposal of radioactive waste.
Main tasks attributed / previous experience related to those tasks
IRS will contribute to WP3 Task 3.2 by developing animations about fundamental radiochemistry principles for use in electronic courses and by generating a stand-alone electronic preparatory course taken by the students on an optional basis as preparative learning tool for regular classes including self-evaluation modules.
IRS will contribute to Task 3.4 by setting up remote operated radiochemistry experiments controlled by LabView, such as Pa generation from U in solution and lifetime measurement
of Pa-234 through gamma spectroscopy, Thoron (220Rn) emanation as part of the natural decay series’. Radon tightness of containers as a part of measuring environmental radioactivity. Gamma spectroscopy of environmental samples from, e.g., Bravo crater,Chernobyl, oil, hard coal, fertilizer, mine tailings measured by gamma spectroscopy.
IRS will contribute to WP4 Task 4.1 by promotion of NukWik, RoboLab, by dissemination
of knowledge at German university and non-university institutions teaching radiochemistry and
to Task 4.4 by providing information on the German teaching system, which already includes handling of radioactivity for educational purposes and by training teachers of all educational levels.
Short profiles of the key staff members
Prof Dr Clemens Walther - CW completed his habilitation „Venia legendi“ in Nuclear Chemistry
in Mainz in 2008, where he also served as lecturer in 2008. From 1999 to 2011, he was employed at the Research Center Karlsruhe, later Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in the Institute
for Nuclear Waste Disposal, serving as group leader “Nanoparticle Analysis” and deputy department head of “Actinide Speciation”. He is currently full professor and head of the Institute
for Radioecology and Radiation Protection at the Leibniz University Hannover. CW took part in FP7 ACTINET and FP 7 ASGARD.
Dr Jan-Willem Vahlbruch - Jan-Willem Vahlbruch studied mathematics and physics
at the Leibnitz University of Hanover (1994-2000). In 2004 he finished his PhD thesis
“On the behaviour of natural radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems and on the realistic estimate
of the radiation exposure due to natural radionuclides in Northern Germany”. Since 2005 he is
the head of radiation protection courses organised by the Institute for Radioecology and Radiation Protection (IRS), Leibniz University Hanover. He is member of the expert group “Training
and Education” of the German-Swiss Radiation Protection Association (Fachverband
für Strahlenschutz) and member of the board of “Qualitätsverbund Strahlenschutzkursstätten (QSK)”.